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Children's views on advocacy

This report gives only children’s views of advocacy. Children and young people were asked for their views about advocacy in two different ways. Firstly, they were invited from different council areas and different sorts of services (such as children’s homes, residential special schools and foster care) to give their views. Secondly, some children and young people were invited to give their views by taking part in a web survey.

Transforming community services: ambition, action, achievement - transforming rehabilitation services

One of a series of six transforming community service best practice guides for frontline staff and their leaders which aim to help to deliver High Quality Care for all: the Next Sate Review. Each guide has a similar framework, clearly setting out ambitions, taking action to deliver, using best available evidence and demonstrating and measuring achievement. The guides highlight what is considered to be good practice across community services.

Domestic abuse 2008/09: post campaign evaluation report

Report of a research project which aimed to evaluate the ongoing Scottish Government domestic abuse campaign in order to assess attitudes towards domestic abuse, ascertain perceptions of the status of domestic abuse victims, assess the effectiveness of the help available through various channels and examine spontaneous and prompted reaction to the creative elements of the media campaign.

Home Office Cannabis Potency Study 2008

Herbal cannabis and cannabis resin are the most widely-misused illicit substances in the UK. In 2006, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) reviewed the classification of cannabis. One of the recommendations was that a further study should be carried out to determine the market share of different types of cannabis and their potencies. The Home Office funded the project.

The risks of young people abusing sexually at home, in the community or both: a comparative study of 34 boys in Edinburgh with harmful sexual behaviour (Towards effective practice, paper 8)

Report of a study which sought to establish whether it is meaningful to think about sibling incest as a discrete type of adolescent sexual abuse and whether a boy who has abused his younger sibling might then also be considered a risk to the wider community and vice versa.