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Policy and practice guidelines for working with children and families affected by problem drug use : getting our priorities right

The first part of the guidance sets out what is currently known about the extent of parental problem drug use and the impact on children. The second tackles the complex area of confidentiality and offers advice to agencies about when, and how, to share information. Part 3 outlines what agencies need to ask of families when they present with drug problems.

Introduction : playing field activity

This learning object is one of a set of exercises and activities taken from the book 'Modern Social Work Practice' written by Mark Doel and Steven Shardlow. 'Playing field' focuses on the student's understanding of what is 'in touch' and what is 'out of touch', in terms of the initial contacts with a potential client of the agency. It helps the student consider the areas of uncertainty (the 'grey' areas), and also how the person's concerns, problems and requests must be set in a broader framework.

Pride and prejudice: a review of police race relations in Scotland

A report by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary which was published in June 2003. It provides access to statistics and critical discussion of issues relating to policing and race relations in Scotland. This includes coverage of matters arising from the Stephen Lawrence report and accusations of 'institutionalised racism' within the police force, the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority officers; police-community relations in Scotland and the policing of asylum-seekers, refugees and Travellers.