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Improving opportunity, strengthening society: a third progress report on the government's strategy for race equality and community cohesion - volume 2 race equality in public services: statistical report

Statistical annex to the third and final progress report on Improving Opportunity, Strengthening Society the Government's strategy to increase race equality and community cohesion. It brings together the main findings for seven policy areas: education; the labour market; housing; health and personal services; the criminal justice system; perceptions of community cohesion; culture and sport.

Guidance on meaningful interaction: how encouraging positive relationships between people can help build community cohesion

This guidance is Communities and Local Government's first attempt to set out what we know about meaningful interaction, based on research findings and the views of expert practitioners. It is aimed at local cohesion practitioners and policy planners and includes some good practice.

Telecare in Scotland: benchmarking the present, embracing the future.

It is difficult to quantify the benefits that arise from telecare. One reason is that telecare involves “a complex intervention consisting of a hybrid of technology and people-based services applied to a varied client-base with wide-ranging pathology and social capital”. Another more basic one is that most telecare services to date are too new. This report provides statistics on the use of telecare in each Scottish local authority in an effort to create an evidence base.

National care standards: foster care and family placement

These standards were developed to improve the quality of care and service for those in foster care. The standards cover the following activities: recruiting, selecting, approving, training and supporting foster carers; matching children and young people with foster carers; supporting and monitoring foster carers; and the work of agency fostering panels and other approval panels. The standards do not apply to the services provided directly by foster carers themselves.