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Teaching guide to the Social Work and Law e-learning resources

This guide outlines the teaching and learning aims of the Social Care Institute for Excellence's interactive e-learning resources on law. These resources are freely available to all teaching staff and students of the Social Work degree and are designed to engage groups and individuals through simulations, quizzes, games and video and audio, which help bring the topics alive. Moreover, they are supported by evidence based research bringing out key issues and provide full referencing of the legislation.

Good practice guidance for working with children and families affected by substance misuse

This document was published by the Scottish Executive in 2003.

The first part of this guidance sets out what is currently known about the extent of parental substance misuse and the impact on children.

Part 2 sets out what agencies need to ask of families when they present with drug or alcohol problems, and provides guidance to staff on identifying risks.

Part 3 offers advice on what kinds of help may be needed, and on how to work together more effectively.

Crime and Disorder Act 1998

This legislation sets out procedures for the prevention of crime and disorder with reference to: anti-social behaviour orders and youth crime; criminal law and racially aggravated offences; the criminal justice system and youth justice; dealing with offenders, specifically sexual offenders, those dependent on drugs and young offenders. Further procedure is laid out in respect of the detention, release and recall of prisoners and increased powers of arrest by the police.

Media guide to terminology

The media plays a valuable role in informing the public about HIV and AIDS. However, some terms which can be misleading about HIV/AIDS, or degrading to HIV-positive people, are not helpful. This factsheet discusses how vital it is that the National AIDS Trust's texts and presentations support the objectives of the 'Are you HIV prejudiced?' campaign by not using stigmatising language and terminology.

Review of section 5 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001

The research examined the use of Section 5 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 and other routes through which local authorities assist statutorily homeless households in securing permanent accommodation from a Registered Social landlord (RSL).

Section 5 gives local authorities the power to require RSLs operating in their area to provide accommodation for homeless households.

The research has been undertaken by Craigforth for the Scottish Government and is to be used by the Government to inform their review of policy and guidance in this area.

Universal Drug Prevention

This review describes research into, and practice of universal drug prevention. It provides information on several different approaches, including school and family based, communities, mass media and generic health interventions. This work is placed in the context of relevant national policy (UK).