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Improving the lives of children in Scotland - are we there yet? Findings from national seminars: January-February 2009

The Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights (SACR) was asked by the government to organise four seminars designed to allow professional and interested parties in Scotland to gather together to discuss the United Nations Committee for the Rights of the Child recommendations.

Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People and the Children’s Rights Officers’ Network worked with SACR in organising the events.

Creating positive outcomes through social work services

Pamphlet containing a collection of essays which acknowledge and celebrate the important part social work services play in supporting individuals and communities. The contributions approach the subject from various perspectives including the impact of the 1968 Social Work (Scotland) Act, the wider responsibilities which underlie standards and service delivery and the social context in which services are delivered.

The societal cost of alcohol misuse in Scotland for 2007

Although alcohol is widely recognised as a major generator of employment and income from exports in Scotland, a considerable (and increasing) amount of harm is associated with its misuse.

The effects of this misuse – which are considered in this paper – are wide, and generate substantial costs not only for the health service, but also for criminal justice, communities, employers, and the wider Scottish economy.

Parents as partners in early learning : case studies - the international new arrivals project, Sandwell

Document describing an international new arrivals scheme, the main objectives of which were to forge inter-agency links, create bespoke staff training, create activities and sessions aimed at new arrivals and encourage newly-arrived parents to engage fully with early years services.

HIV-related stigma & discrimination : prisoners

This factsheet highlights the low social status of prisoners and how this can mean they are marginalised and excluded from the mainstream of society. They experience stigma and discrimination behind bars and are often regarded as 'unworthy' in the general community. Prisoners face discrimination because of their status as 'prisoners' (i.e. criminal record and incarceration), because of what being in prison is associated with (drug use, same-sex activities and violence), and what it might lead to (HIV infection).

Safeguarding children in whom illness is induced or fabricated by carers with parenting responsibilities : supplementary guidance to 'Working Together to Safeguard Children'

This document is based on Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (Department of Health et al, 1999). Working Together sets out how all agencies and professionals should work together to safeguard and promote children’s welfare.

Attitudes towards alcohol: views of problem drinkers, alcohol service users and their families and friends (Health and Community Care Research Programme Research Findings No.12)

Between February and June 2001, the Scottish Executive Health Department undertook a consultation exercise to inform the development of its Plan for Action on alcohol problems. As part of this exercise, various pieces of research were commissioned to explore issues around alcohol misuse in Scottish society.

This paper presents the main findings of a study which obtained the views of problem drinkers,current and former alcohol service users and their families and friends.