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Enduring power of attorney, lasting powers of attorney and receivership

The Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia. This information sheet discusses options in the event of loss of mental capacity due to dementia. This may mean that someone else will need to manage legal, financial and health affairs of the person with dementia.

The Future Direction of Telecare Call Handling Services in Scotland with regards to Changing Technologies, Expectations and Demand. Joint Improvement Team, National Telecare Programme report.

Telecare services are developing quickly in Scotland but there are significant variations across the 24 telecare alarm handling centres currently employed. this report offers some ideas on how they might cope with the likely demand for such services and the cost of servicing these needs. It concludes that: staffing models will need to change; the quality agenda will demand more staff capable of providing more added value services; training will become an increasing burden; and more specialist roles (such as alarm handler, installer and emergency responder) will emerge.

First measures: a guide to alcohol misuse prevention work with children

This publication is for those working with primary school age children who need to know the best ways to educate and inform them on issues around alcohol misuse. It offers guidance by: summarising what is effective practice in alcohol misuse prevention; summarising key ‘things to think about’ when developing a project; and providing case study examples and comments from children themselves.

What is aids-related cognitive impairment?

The Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia. People with Aids sometimes develop cognitive impairment, particularly in the later stages of their illness. This information sheet explains how aids-related cognitive impairment is diagnosed, and describes the symptoms and treatments available.

Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance Annual Report 2004

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance promotes, supports and defends the principles and practice of independent advocacy across Scotland. This annual report for 2004 discusses types of advocacy and priorities for the year ahead which include the organisation and delivery of training on the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 for all advocates.

Transforming community services: ambition, action, achievement: transforming services for acute care closer to home

One of a series of six transforming community service best practice guides for frontline staff and their leaders which aim to help to deliver High Quality Care for all: the Next Sate Review. Each guide has a similar framework, clearly setting out ambitions, taking action to deliver, using best available evidence and demonstrating and measuring achievement. The guides highlight what is considered to be good practice across community services.

General report on the health and social care sector in Northern Ireland: 2008

This report covers the audits of 16 health bodies in 2007-8. These include all health and social services boards, all health and social care trusts and a number of agencies and special agencies. Health service audit is undertaken by staff from the Northern Ireland Audit Office although a number of audits are contracted out to private sector accountancy firms. The report concludes that the health and social care sector continues to make progress in delivering improved health and social care services.

Preventing later substance use disorders in at-risk children and adolescents : a review of the theory and evidence base of indicated prevention (EMCDDA thematic papers)

Report reviewing the principles and evidence base of indicated prevention and identifying models of best practice for substance misuse prevention activities aimed at at-risk children in the EU.

Poorer children's educational attainment: how important are attitudes and behaviour?

Report that considers some of the ways that affluence and disadvantage influence children’s educational attainment. It focuses on a broad set of factors, varying across childhood, classified under the broad umbrella term ‘aspirations, attitudes and behaviours’. The implications for policy are also explored.