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Police Research Series, Paper 94 - Child Abuse: Training Investigating Officers

An increasing media and public attention surrounding cases of child abuse start to take place. Amongst the areas of concern is the way in which such victims are dealt with by the criminal justice system. Efforts to address this issue have led to developments such as the joint investigation of child abuse by police officers and social workers, as well as the videotaping of investigative interviews with children.

Caring for someone with dementia: financial and legal tips

The Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with dementia, their families and carers. They produce information and advice sheets to support those affected by dementia.

This information sheet looks at the importance for a person with dementia to organise their financial and legal affairs while they are still able to do so. This ensures that their affairs will be organised in the future in a way that they have chosen. A person with dementia may want a friend or family member to help them with this.

Delivering better outcomes: an outcomes toolkit for alcohol and drugs partnerships: version 1

This toolkit is intended to provide guidance to Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP) in operating in an outcomes based environment and to support working relationships with local partners and service providers. This toolkit is intended to assist ADPs to identify local priority outcomes relating to alcohol and drugs.

Advocacy : in my view

This learning object is one of a set of exercises and activities taken from the book 'Modern Social Work Practice' written by Mark Doel and Steven Shardlow. This resource looks at advocacy and presents seven possible 'hidden agendas' at a hospital ward round. The student wants to advocate for the client to return to his home, but each hidden agenda might explain the other professionals’ involved in the ward round reluctance to accept the student's view. The activity helps students to practise whether and how they might open up the hidden agendas.

Drug and alcohol services in Scotland

Drug and alcohol misuse are major problems in Scotland but resources to address them are not always used effectively. In this study, published information on services was analysed and national documents were reviewed, expenditure data from all NHS boards and councils were collected and analysed and activity data from all police forces in Scotland were collected to give an indication of expenditure.

The Advocacy Conference 2003 : making advocacy more accessible

This conference report examines the issues relating to making advocacy more accessible for everyone. Specifically, the report looks at what can be done to promote diversity and inclusion, the importance of advocacy for people with dementia, what children and young people want from advocacy, and the advocacy needs of deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing people.

Ending child poverty: 'Thinking 2020'

In June 2008, the Child Poverty Unit held an event entitled ’Ending Child Poverty: “Thinking 2020”’ at which around 100 stakeholders from across lobby organisations, academic institutions, devolved administrations and local and central Government attended. The event was designed to begin a discussion with stakeholders on the vision for a UK free of child poverty by 2020, and the route by which that could be achieved.