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Young refugees : a guide to the rights and entitlements of separated refugee children

This guide is about the rights and entitlements of separated refugee and asylum-seeking children in England (often described as unaccompanied children). These are children under 18 years of age who are outside their country and separated from both parents or their legal/customary primary care-giver. The majority of separated children come to the UK alone. However, some children become separated in the UK after informal foster arrangements or family break down.

It's everyone's job to make sure I'm alright: Report of the Child Protection Audit and Review

"It's everyone's job to make sure I'm alright" Report of the Child Protection Audit and Review. This report presents the findings of the Child Protection review. The central part of the review was an audit of the practice of police, medical, nursing, social work, Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration, and education staff. The audit was based on a sample of 188 cases which covered the range of possible concerns about children from early identification of vulnerability to substantiated abuse or neglect.

Deprivation and risk: the case for early intervention

This report is part of a series by Action for Children on the overriding importance of intervening as early as possible to support the most vulnerable children and their families. The deprivation these families experience is deeper and more complex than poverty alone, and the belief at the heart of this work is therefore that fiscal help alone will not stop their problems from being passed on through the generations.

The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007. A short introduction to Part 1 of the Act

The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 was passed by the Scottish Parliament in February 2007 and received royal assent on 22 March 2007. Part 1 of the Act deals with the protection of adults at risk of harm. It is scheduled to come into effect in the autumn of 2008. This booklet is a brief summary of the provisions of Part 1 of the Act.

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance Annual Report 2005

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance promotes, supports and defends the principles and practice of independent advocacy across Scotland. This report details activities undertaken by the SIAA in 2005 including running 'advocacy awareness' training for service providers, a 'training for trainers' course, the distribution of the 'Directory of Advocacy Organisations in Scotland' and the development of the SIAA website which hosts a discussion forum to discuss dilemmas and to start discussions on advocacy in Scotland.

The impact of integrated children's services on the scope, delivery and quality of social care services for deaf children and families: phase 1 report

This study used five in depth case studies using documentary analysis, interviews and structured case response methods. The study aimed to consider the impact of the move towards integrated children's service arrangements on how social care services for deaf children and their families are delivered and whether these arrangements create opportunities or threats to identify, assess and meet social care needs. Although good practice was identified, there were concerns about the quality, availability and appropriateness of social care services.