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Ages and Stages of Down's Syndrome

This resource is produced by Down's Syndrome Scotland and looks at the ages and stages of Down's Syndrome. It also provides information about the health problems associated with Down's syndrome, screening and testing, child development, growing older and dementia. There is also a list of relevant professionals that can help people with Down's syndrome as well as their families and carers.

Manifesto for change

Document from Victim Support in Scotland calling on the Scottish Parliament to continue its commitment to the Scottish Strategy for Victims and its key objectives of providing emotional and practical support, information and greater participation for victims. Specific actions it calls for include establishing a Victims Fund and appointing a Victims Commissioner.

Transforming community services: enabling new patterns of provision

This enabling guidance is intended to help primary care trust providers of community services to move their relationship with their commissioners to a purely contractual one and consider what type of organisations would best meet the future needs of patients and local communities, and how change can be managed to support the transformation of services to patients.

Alcohol: What every parent should know

Drinking alcohol is an accepted part of our culture and most young people who drink alcohol do so without experiencing serious problems. Many parents think their children don’t listen to them, don’t care what they think and won’t do what they say — and vice versa! But what you do and say does have an effect. Talking and listening to your children can be an eye-opener.