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The collaborative state : how working together can transform public services (Demos collection 23)

Collection of case studies and papers which advocate collaboration as a new approach to running local public services. It attempts to provide answers to the questions, why work together?, where can the beginnings of new approaches be found? and what form would government take if it was redesigned for collaboration?

Police and racism: What has been achieved 10 years after the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report?

Ten years on from the publication of the Lawrence Inquiry report, the Equality and Human Rights Commission wanted to consider what progress the police service has made in terms of race equality. This report deals with four main themes: employment, training, retention and promotion; stop and search; the national DNA database; race hate crimes. The findings are discussed under the aforementioned headings and a number of case studies are presented.

Operation of the homeless persons legislation in Scotland: quarters ending 30 June and 30 September 2008 (including households in temporary accommodation at 31 December 2008)

This statistics release presents information on homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes up to the end of September 2008 and on households in temporary accommodation up to end December 2008.

The report updates annual analyses for 2007-08 and earlier years incorporating updated information received from councils since the last publication in September 2008. The purpose of this web only publication is to give an overview of key trends and features of homelessness applications in Scotland.

Can you recover what you never had?

There has been much talk in recent months as to developing a clearer more focus drug strategy. A drug strategy, that has a more clearly defined intention for both service users and those commissioning and providing the service. In Scotland this has produced a strategy that has placed the recovery process at its heart.

In the rest of the UK, the focus has been less explicitly stated. However, it is evident for recent conferences and debates in the media and within services that there is a momentum for change in how we deliver treatment and support services.

Mental health, recovery and employment

This is the fifth in a series of discussion papers designed to help generate debate on how best to promote and support recovery from long-term mental health problems in Scotland. This paper is not a review of the literature, but aims to encourage discussion and action around supporting people with long-term mental health problems to gain and sustain suitable employment, which in 'the mental health world' should go hand in hand with the development of recovery orientated services.

Throughcare and aftercare provided for children and young people in residential care : are services meeting the standards? (The Care Commission bulletin)

Bulletin looking at the quality of throughcare and aftercare services in place for children and young people looked after away from home in residential services in Scotland and how these can be improved.