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Transitions to adult services by disabled young people leaving out of authority residential schools

This is a summary of a report on a study that sought to identify: differences in planning for disabled young people in residential schools outside local authority boundaries compared to young people attending their local special schools; the factors which impact on transition planning and transition outcomes for these young people; key areas for future research and the feasibility of such work.

The incarceration of drug offenders: an overview

This report published by the Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme in partnership with the International Centre for Prison Studies at Kings College London, revisits the topic of the incarceration of drug offenders [IDPC, UK].

Most governments make strong statements about the need to maintain, and often increase, police activity and penal sanctions for drug users. This approach, it was claimed, is based on the idea that strong enforcement, and widespread incarceration, will deter potential users and dealers from becoming involved in the illegal drug market.

Lickin shot

This publication is designed to raise the issue of pathways into and out of gang culture. It is designed and written by young people based on their experiences. The target audience for this resource is young people aged 13+.

Re-Ach Project evaluation support

Report of an evaluation of the Re-Ach Project, a two-year pilot programme whose purpose was, through challenging workshops and performance coaching, to "raise aspiration, engagement and achievement among young people who are least likely to succeed and achieve and most likely to indulge in behaviour which is not productive for them".

Common assessment framework for adults demonstrator site programme: prospectus for phase 2 applications

Following the public consultation on a Common Assessment Framework for Adults (CAF) the Department of Health is launching a further phase of Demonstrator Sites to address the issues raised during the consultation, and broaden the coverage of the Demonstrator Site Programme (DSP) to provide further evidence to support the development of CAF.

In this second phase the program was widen with different IT systems currently in use, whether provided commercially or in- house, and to include regional areas of England currently not represented in Phase 1.

Modern childhood: the image of the child in our society - the seventh Kilbrandon lecture

This resource is the seventh in a series of lectures designed to honour the memory and achievement of Lord Kilbrandon who wrote one of the most influential policy statements on how a society should deal with 'children in trouble'. This lecture examines modern childhood and the image of the child in society.