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Back on track? : CPA care planning for service users who are repeatedly detained under the Mental Health Act

Report describing the quality of care planning for patients with repeat admissions under the Mental Health Act 1983, assessing the extent to which the Care Programme Approach (CPA) is being operated effectively and making conclusions about factors which contribute to the best quality of care and outcomes for such patients.

Facts and figures about Scotland's children and young people : factfile 2006-07

This is the sixth edition of Factfile Scotland, the unique annual collection of key facts and information focusing on Scotland’s children and young people, produced by NCH Scotland. NCH Scotland’s aim in producing Factfile Scotland is to provide a publication that government, local authorities, academics, the voluntary sector and other agencies will all find equally useful as a source for key facts about children, families and young people in Scotland.

Tackling Drug Markets and Distribution Networks in the UK : A review of the recent literature

This summary sets out the main findings from a review of the recent literature on strategies to tackle illicit drug markets and distribution networks in the UK. The report was commissioned by the UK Drug Policy Commission and has been prepared by the Institute for Criminal Policy Research, School of Law, King’s College London. This review restricted itself to domestic measures for tackling the drugs trade.

At a glance 02: Improving outcomes for people in shared living services

Shared living schemes are one way of providing more personalised services. They offer care and support to people who use services, usually older people and those with learning disabilities, in family homes. This At a glance presents the key messages from the SCIE study, 'Improving outcome for service users in adult placement - commissioning and care management', drawing out the messages for local authority managers, care managers and commissioners.

Follow up Survey of Leavers From Scottish Schools: Leavers from School Year 2007/08

This Statistics Publication Notice presents national information on the follow-up destination status in March/April 2009 of those young people who left school in school year 2007/08. The publication also provides information on the change in status of these young people since information was published on them in the “Destinations of Leavers from Scottish Schools: 2007/08” publication on 11 December 2008.

Living with social evils - the voices of unheard groups

Paper dealing with the social evils of UK society as experienced by people whose voices are not usually heard. Workshops/discussion groups with lone parents, ex-offenders, unemployed and other vulnerable and socially excluded people were used to explore personal experiences of living and coping with social evils. Ideas for overcoming them suggest a combined individual and collective responsibility to take forward social change.

A Best Practice Guide to Partnering with Resource Families

In the fall of 2007, the North Carolina Division of Social Services launched a resource parent recruitment and retention project based on the strategies recommended by best practice and research.

This project concentrates on the application of broad but concrete steps that individual agencies can take to meet their specific needs, and it builds on the success of the North Carolina’s Multiple Response System and reinforces the strengths of our state’s child welfare system.

In the dark : the mental health implications of Imprisonment for Public Protection

Imprisonment for Public Protection is an indeterminate sentence given to offenders who are categorised as 'dangerous' but whose offences do not carry a life sentence. This report presents the findings of research carried out on the mental health of IPP prisoners and makes recommendations to address problems identified.