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Caring in the Older Population

This document is for local authorities engaged in planning and delivering services to support older carers and summarises ILC -UK and the National Centre for Social Research's Living and caring?: an investigation of the experience of older carers. It gives key points, the background and the characteristics of care provision and discusses access to services, leisure, health, housing, and quality of life and care recipients.

Supporting young carers

This survey explored how effectively young carers were identified by councils and their partners. It also examined the assessment and delivery of services for young carers and their families. The survey used evidence from visits to council areas, focus groups with young carers and meetings with those who provide young carer support services.

Children and young people in custody 2006-2008: an analysis of the experiences of 15-18-year-olds in prison

This report presents the findings of a survey of the views and perceptions of 2,500 young people held in prison. Information is included on young people’s perceptions of their conditions and treatment, from their transfer to the establishment to their preparation for release. The results for young women, young men, and those from black and minority ethnic backgrounds are discussed separately.

Ethnicity and Parole

This site provides access to the text of Home Office Findings 222 which was published in February 2004. It presents the findings of a survey of race and parole which analysed 6,208 decisions made by the Parole Board between 1999-2000. Topics considered include: whether there is evidence of institutional racial discrimination in parole decision making.

Growing up in social housing in Britain: A profile of four generations from 1946 to the present day

A look at the role of social housing for four generations of families since the Second World War. This study describes how housing for families has changed over time and explores the relationship between social housing, family circumstances and the 'adult outcomes' for children who grew up in social housing – i.e. their experiences when they are adults.

Improving educational outcomes for looked-after children and young people

Review that tells us what works in improving educational outcomes for looked-after children and young people (LACYP), on the basis of a systematic review of the research literature and analysis of key data. It aims to provide evidence that will help service providers to improve services and, ultimately, outcomes for children, young people and their families.