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The Strategic Isolation of the Brittish Drugs Field and new Recovery Philosophy

In March 2008, a new 10 year national drugs strategy document was published: Drugs: protecting families and communities. This new drug strategy presents an agenda which strongly reinforces the main points of the last strategy with its emphasis on crime reduction and community safety. Like its predecessor, it says less about individual health and social outcomes. In the same month the United Kingdom Drug Policy Commission, (UKDPC), an independent think tank, published a major report on the drugs strategy and its key focus criminal justice.

Futureskills Scotland: product market strategies and workforce skills - full report

The aims of this project were to use case studies of companies, to obtain a better understanding of the links between employers’ product markets strategies and the demand for skills. It sought to identify the conditions and constraints in which firms’ product market strategies affect skills utilisation, and explore the potential implications for public policy.

Untold damage: children's accounts of living with harmful parental drinking

Report that highlights the findings of a collaborative research study undertaken by Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) and the NSPCC's ChildLine in Scotland service to explore children and young people's experiences of harmful parental drinking and the concerns they express about the impact this is having on their lives.

Recovery management and recovery-orientated systems of care : scientific rationale and promising practices

This is the fifth in a series of monographs related to recovery management. It looks at the scientific rationale for addiction treatment systems transformation including acute-care and recovery management models of addiction treatment; recovery focused performance measures; findings from studies of addiction treatment; promising practices to improve long-term recovery outcomes and suggests measures to evaluate addiction treatment.

Parenting and resilience

This review considers parents' actual and potential contributions to children's resilience and to parental resilience. The review draws on important UK-based publications on resilience and includes more selective references to the comparatively huge American literature, as well as significant material from elsewhere.

Stepping up: the future for young runaways

Report that builds on existing knowledge about levels of running away. The estimated 100,000 children who run away each year in the UK are, to varying degrees, in need of support and services. Although there is no single profile for a child who runs way, there are common services and approaches that can provide support before, during and after a running away incident. Stepping Up reviews these services and how far the current policy provisions ensure that every child who runs away is adequately safeguarded.

Building pressure : access to housing in Scotland in 2009

Report drawing attention to some of the symptoms of the shortage of affordable housing in Scotland. These include lengthening waiting lists, increased use of temporary accommodation, increased competition for decreasing numbers of lets and rising numbers of evictions. To counter these trends the report urges the Scottish Government to continue investing in affordable housing.

Progress in the development of integrated mental health care in Scotland

The development of integrated care through the promotion of ‘partnership working’ is a key policy objective of the Scottish Executive, the administration responsible for health services in Scotland. This paper considers the extent to which this goal is being achieved in mental health services, particularly those for people with severe and enduring mental illness.