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Drugs research: an overview of evidence and questions for policy

In 2001, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation embarked upon a unique and challenging programme of research that explored the problem of illicit drugs in the UK. The research addressed many questions that were often too sensitive for the government to tackle. In many cases, these studies represented the first research on these issues and the policy implications have been far-reaching. This report outlines the results of the largest independent programme of drugs research of its kind within the UK.

Changing lives, changing practice: occupational therapy in social work, enabling independent living in Scotland

This report aims to explore the contribution that occupational therapy makes to social work services and the profession’s potential contribution to the government’s vision for Scotland. It identifies best practice and opportunities to improve the provision and quality of occupational therapy within social work services.

Caring together: the carers strategy for Scotland 2010-2015

The Scottish Government and COSLA are determined to ensure that carers are supported to manage their caring responsibilities with confidence and in good health, and to have a life of their own outside of caring. This is a strategy developed by the Health Boards, national carer organisations and carers, which will build on the support already in place and take forward the recommendations of the landmark report, Care 21: the future of unpaid care in Scotland.

The aftershock of deindustrialisation : trends in mortality in Scotland and other parts of post-industrial Europe

Report of a study which attempted to improve understanding of the role of post-industrial decline on the health of Scotland through making comparisons between Scotland and other areas of Europe which have experienced a similar process of industrialisation and de-industrialisation.

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research in practice for adults: key Issues

Resource designed to provide ready access to relevant policy, available evidence and emerging practice on topics of current importance. It addresses topics where the evidence base is currently less well-developed, but where practitioners and managers still need to access emerging evidence and information to help inform their practice. Themes include outcome-based commissioning and contracting, support brokerage, joint strategic needs assessment, and social firms.

Journeys of Recovery : stories of hope and recovery from long term mental health problems

This booklet of short narratives of recovery has been derived from the research project: "Recovering Mental Health in Scotland. Research project" (Brown, Wendy, and Kandirikirira, Niki. 2007). The stories are summaries from research interviews conducted with individuals who are in recovery from long term metal health problems. (en)

Routes to recovery : collected wisdom from the Scottish Recovery Network narrative research project

This short booklet has been derived from the research report: "Recovering Mental Health in Scotland. Report on Narrative Investigation of Mental Health Recovery" (Brown, Wendy, and Kandirikirira, Niki. 2007).

It is intended to highlight some of the strategies that people indicated had supported their mental health recovery journey.