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Young people, and gun and knife crime: a review of the evidence

This is the outcome of an extensive review of evidence about the effectiveness of interventions designed to tackle children and young people's involvement in gun and knife crime. It discusses predicting who is most likely to be involved in violent crime, the impact of where children and young people live on their involvement, how young people's relationships, perceptions and choices affect involvement, anti-gun and anti-knife interventions, and youth offending and youth violence research, ending with conclusions.

School funding and social justice : a guide to the pupil premium

Report examining the system of funding for schools in England. It concludes the system should be reformed and recommends part of the reform should be the introduction of a premium for pupils from more disadvantaged backgrounds. It argues a pupil premium would enable schools to plan their budgets around their admissions and fund programmes to improve educational attainment.

The report of the Older People's Inquiry into 'That Bit of Help'

The report focuses on how to involve older people alongside the professionals, as equals, in identifying what services they want and value. It notes that older people are able to take account of costs of service provision in an environment where resources are limited, and with this information they are able to prioritise the service provision which they require.

North Ayrshire Child Protection Committee Communication Strategy

This Communication Strategy sets out the key strategic objectives of the North Ayrshire Child Protection Committee and how they can be implemented. This will ensure effective communication in all aspects of the work and interests of the Child Protection Committee. It is envisaged that this communication Strategy will operate for 3 –5 years, subject to ongoing review.

Parental problem drinking and its impact on children

This review of the available research will address the definition and extent of parental problem drinking; its impact across important dimensions of children’s lives; the impact on children as they become adults; and some messages for practice, including a suggested service specification. The research focus is mainly on UK studies published in the last two decades, supplemented by research from other countries, especially the USA, Australia and Europe.

Linking up : emotional support for young people with learning disabilities

This resource is a guide for Connexions workers and staff working with young people in transition. Connexions is the government's support service for all young people aged 13 to 19 in England. It brings together all the services and support young people need during their teenage years offering differentiated and integrated support to young people through Personal Advisers (PAs).

Safeguarding vulnerable adults policy

The role of the Public Guardian is to supervise, investigate concerns and regulate Court appointed Deputies, and investigate complaints about the actions of registered attorneys and people acting under an order of the Court protection. This policy provides a framework for delivering the Office of the Public Guardian's role in safeguarding vulnerable adults.

The Adolescent Brain: A Work in Progress

This paper summarises scientific research about brain development in adolescence and in particular, emphasises the changes to the prefrontal cortex of the frontal lobes which appear to be especially critical for mature decision making and impulse control. Sections within the paper address changes in the brain during adolescence at the cellular level; describes adolescent brain development from the perspective of new techniques now available for studying living brains; and, in the final section, summarises knowledge about how these brain changes may affect thinking and behaviour.