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Choice and change: how disabled young people with degenerative conditions and their parents make choices about care and services

Disabled young people with degenerative conditions and their parents face many service-related decisions. This study looks at the realities of choice-making processes within families, exploring the respective roles and experiences of young people and their parents.

Low-income neighbourhoods in Britain: the gap between policy ideas and residents' realities: executive summary

Summary that examines the relationship between ‘poverty’ and ‘place’ in six low-income areas, drawing on residents’ accounts to explain different patterns of neighbourhood change.

It is based on the findings of a four-year research study, which has captured how communities’ distinctive socio-cultural and historical features impact on people’s experiences and perceptions, and on a report that highlights the implications these have for current policy agendas.

Positioning turnaround services for older people: discussion paper

Paper that advocates a model for targeting health and social care provision in older old age called ‘Turnaround’.

Turnaround is advocated in the context of older population changes which make it imperative that authorities limit the need for high cost provision such as residential care and intensive home care support.

The approach would aim to develop provision that lessens the likelihood of admission to hospital or care, or demand for high intensity community provision, through a holistic approach which focuses on improvement, recovery and rehabilitation.

A toolkit to support the commissioning of targeted preventative services: South West regional commissioning

Toolkit developed by the Institute of Public Care in response to an identified need from commissioners of adult social care and health services across the South West.

It is intended to help commissioners ensure that in a period of huge financial pressure that best use is being made of limited prevention and early intervention resources, and to enable commissioners to further contribute to the development of new and effective preventative services.