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Out of mind, out of sight: breaking down the barriers to understanding child sexual exploitation

This thematic assessment was undertaken with four principle objectives:

1. Assess the size and scale of ‘localised grooming’ in proportion to the overall known picture of sexual exploitation
of children under the age of 18 in the UK
2. Establish any patterns of offending profile or victim experience
3. Assess the effectiveness of processes which might help identify such offending or potential victims
4. Recommend action to be taken to reduce the risk in future, including any urgent action that becomes apparent.

Getting better?: improving outcomes for children and young people (Part 2)

Briefing paper produced to highlight the key research messages from the Centre for Excellence and Outcomes in Children and Young People’s services (C4EO) for general practitioners (GPs) and other commissioners and providers of health services, across a number of thematic areas. The messages help to illustrate some of the interventions that have been proven to have a positive impact and make a difference in people’s lives.

The social dimension of the Europe 2020 Strategy: a report of the Social Protection Committee

Report that analyses actions focusing on sustainable and adequate reforms of social protection systems, active inclusion strategies, well-designed universal and targeted benefits for families and groups at risk, future pension adequacy and long-term financial sustainability of pensions systems, as well as increased effectiveness of health care and long-term care.

In the current economic context, the report encourages Member States and the European Commission to strengthen their capacity to assess social impacts of major policy and spending decisions.

Communication support needs: a review of the literature

Review that aims to identify literature which illuminates the experiences of people with communication support needs; to identify the barriers that people with communication support needs experience in society and ways in which it is possible to overcome these barriers; to identify gaps in the available literature; and to make specific recommendations for a programme of research addressing issues arising out of the literature.