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Women in focus: an evaluation

A report for South West Scotland Community Justice Authority. It documents the evaluation of the Women in Focus service, which resulted from the concerns that many practitioners, policy-makers and others expressed in relation to the increasing imprisonment of women in Scotland (and internationally).

Open Public Services White Paper

Paper that explains just how reforms give power to those who have been overlooked and under-served. It will demonstrate that it is only by publishing data on how public services do their jobs that power can be wrested out of the hands of highly paid officials and given back to the people. The reforms will mean that the poorest will be at the front of the queue.

Learning Exchange collection policy

As the name suggests, the Learning Exchange is based on the notion of collaboration. Third party organisations - Learning Exchange Contributing Organisations - which have specific subject expertise are invited to contribute resources to a designated collection within the Learning Exchange. The purpose of these collections is to provide a way for organisations with subject expertise to collect, organise and share resources.

Enjoy, achieve and be healthy: the mental health of Black and minority ethnic children and young people

Document that is based on work undertaken between October 2010 and March 2011 and is presented in two parts. The first section highlights the need for greater consideration to be given to meeting the needs of Black and minority ethnic children and young people in all aspects of children’s services provision. Some of the key themes, policies and programmes are summarised and questions raised about their application to engage with and effectively address the needs of Black and minority ethnic children, young people and their families.

Enough room: is society big enough for homeless people?

Report that draws on evidence from over 80 homeless people who took part in our survey and in depth peer research discussing what ideas within the Big Society mean for homeless people and what some of the barriers might be to their greater participation and inclusion. It looks at new research from the public, sector leaders and St Mungo’s staff (see Appendix for details).