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Enjoy, achieve and be healthy: the mental health of Black and minority ethnic children and young people

Document that is based on work undertaken between October 2010 and March 2011 and is presented in two parts. The first section highlights the need for greater consideration to be given to meeting the needs of Black and minority ethnic children and young people in all aspects of children’s services provision. Some of the key themes, policies and programmes are summarised and questions raised about their application to engage with and effectively address the needs of Black and minority ethnic children, young people and their families. Questions that must be addressed if we are to gain a clearer picture about the extent to which current provision addresses the needs of BME children and young people and establish where the gaps are. Section two presents the aims, methodology and findings of a consultation undertaken with Black and minority ethnic young people in February 2011. Feedback from participants to each consultation question is followed by a summary of the key issues raised by the feedback.

Mhemooda Malek
The Afiya Trust