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Safeguarding vulnerable adults through better commissioning: a discussion paper for commissioners of adult social care

Based on a review of the existing literature and IPC’s own experience in working with local authorities reviewing their safeguarding procedures, this discussion paper looks at the relationship between personalisation, safeguarding and commissioning.

Getting on: a manifesto for older people in a networked nation

Despite older age being the best time of life to be using the Internet, more than 5.7 million UK over-65-year-olds have never been online. Internet access should play a key role in successful ageing and help build links across generations and geographies for the UK’s older people, yet millions remain excluded from social, financial and developmental opportunities that the vast majority of the UK population now takes for granted.

Building bridges? An evaluation of the costs and effectiveness of the Separated Parents Information Programme (PIP)

The Separated Parent Information Programme (PIP) is the first nationally available parent education programme for parents involved in litigation over contact and residence in England. The programme is a Contact Activity, introduced by the Children and Adoption Act 2006 as an additional tool for courts to facilitate contact.

Young witnesses in criminal proceedings: a progress report on 'Measuring up' (2009)

Briefing paper which revisits the recommendations and identifies progress made on 'Measuring up'. It also highlights where further action is needed.

It is based on discussions at two seminars held in June and September 2010 and a review of current criminal justice business plans and ‘Big Society’ policy pronouncements. The seminars were attended by senior members of the judiciary, legal profession and civil service.

Evidence-based practice: a mind-altering substance. A blended learning course teaching information literacy for substance use prevention work

Paper which describes the rationale and philosophy behind the development of a blended learning course for allied health professionals working in the field of substance use prevention and the results of an evaluation of the pilot course.

The course teaches a range of information literacy skills in order to increase the participants’ knowledge of evidence-based practice and enable them to pursue an evidence-based approach in their professional work.

You are not on your own: a booklet to help children and adults talk about a parent's drinking

Booklet to help a child and trusted adult to talk together about what is happening in their life. It is written for children, but at the end of each section is a part written for adults.

It is for children who live in all sorts of families - those living with relatives, children in care, those who have a parent in prison, or worried about a parent or carer drinking too much.