social care staff

Common core competences and principles for health and social care workers working with adults at the end of life

Document detailing competences and principles applicable to all workers involved in caring for and supporting people at the end of life regardless of whether their role is healthcare related or social care related. These competences and principles are intended to support workforce development.

Capability Framework in Scotland for Nurses who Care for Children and Young People who are Looked After Away from Home

The Capability Framework defines a common set of capabilities for nurses built around five key areas: Practising Ethically, Knowledge for Practice, Leadership for Practice, Multi-Professional Approach, Care Delivery & Intervention, it will help the development of educational programmes to ensure that LACNs are fully competent and capable to meet the challenges they face. It has been developed by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and the Scottish Government Health Directorate.

Facing dementia

A booklet for those who are either worried about dementia or who have been diagnosed. It provides reassurance and suggests practical steps to improve or maintain dignity and the quality of life as far as possible.

Building on firm foundations : improving end of life care in care homes : examples of innovative practice

Document containing a number of case studies exemplifying innovative practice in end of life care taking place in care homes in England. The case studies illustrate how employing new approaches to end of life care can help to improve the quality of care, cut unnecessary hospital admissions and ensure more people end their lives in the place and manner of their choosing.

Transforming community services: enabling new patterns of provision

This enabling guidance is intended to help primary care trust providers of community services to move their relationship with their commissioners to a purely contractual one and consider what type of organisations would best meet the future needs of patients and local communities, and how change can be managed to support the transformation of services to patients.

Can you stop the person you care for from being scammed?

Scams Awareness is to help the vulnerable, especially the elderly, from being ripped off by con artists with such traps as bogus lotteries, deceptive prize draws and 'miracle' health cures.

It is estimated that as many as three million members of the public fall victim to scams sent by means of the post, email, text, telephone and internet, and during this month Carers UK is helping to raise awareness so that more people can avoid joining the growing list of casualties.

The Office of Fair Trading has produced a leaflet specifically for carers and care professionals.

Statistics Publication Notice Health and Care Series: Staff of Scottish Local Authority Social Work Services, 2008

Scotland’s Chief Statistician published the Staff of Scottish Local Authority Social Work Services, 2008. This publication contains statistics obtained from the staffing census held across all local authorities on 06 October 2008. It presents findings from a range of statistics to provide an overall picture of demand for, supply of, and outcomes from the social care workforce.