residential child care

Insight 6 : Meeting the Needs of Children from Birth to Three : Research Evidence and Implications for Out-of-Home Provision

In 2001 the Scottish Executive Education Department (SEED) commissioned Professor Colwyn Trevarthen and a team of colleagues to review the research evidence on the development of children from birth to three years old, and to consider the implications of that evidence for the provision of care outwith the home.

Securing our future: a way forward for Scotland's secure care estate - a response from the Scottish Government and COSLA

The response is presented of Scottish ministers and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) to the recommendations put forward by the Securing Our Future Initiative into how to make best use of Scotland’s secure care resources to improve outcomes for young people and their communities.

They welcome the group’s report and strongly endorse the principles outlined in the vision. They accept in full the nine recommendations of Securing Our Future Initiative and believe that the recommendations should be implemented as an integrated package.

Hidden harm: Scottish Executive response to the report of the inquiry by the Advisory Council on the misuse of drugs

The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs published 'Hidden Harm' which highlighted the plight of the estimated 41,000-59,000 children in Scotland affected by parental drug use. This resource describes the Scottish Executive's response to the challenges outlined in 'Hidden Harm'.