residential child care

The mental health and well being of children and young people in residential care : are services meeting the standards? (The Care Commission bulletin)

Bulletin investigating the quality of service provided to children and young people looked after away from home in residential services such as care homes, residential special schools and secure accommodation services with regard to their mental health and well being.

Working with challenging and disruptive situations in residential child care: Sharing effective practice. Children's and Families' Services Knowledge Review 22

The children’s residential care sector across the UK has changed markedly over the past two decades and more. One impact of these changes has been a greatly reduced residential sector, with the proportion of looked-after children who are placed in residential care declining over this period.

Restorative justice services for children and young people and those harmed by their behaviour

Document providing guidance for agencies such as schools, police, anti-social behaviour teams, residential child care and social work on the principles, protocols and criteria for the use of restorative justice services in Scotland for children and young people and those harmed by their behaviour.

Handled with care?: managing medication for residents of care homes and children's homes - a follow up study (CSCI special study report)

Report of a study which followed up an investigation by the National Care Standards Commission in 2004 into the management of medication in care and children's homes in England which found homes were not performing well in this area.

The follow up study found some improvement but not enough to be wholly satisfactory.

The government's response to the Kent Report on Children's Safeguards Review

This response to the Children’s Safeguards Review by Roger Kent sets out the Government’s proposals for improving the quality of care for children who are looked after away from home.

This includes the recruitment, selection and vetting of residential child care staff; training of residential care staff; their registration and inspection; the inter-relationship with education child protection; support for children in boarding schools; investigation and monitoring of children in prison, refuges and helping young abusers.