older people

Continuity of care for older hospital patients: a call for action

Paper that focuses on the experiences of older people with multiple health problems, and particularly on their experiences inside hospital. Continuity is especially important for these older patients because: they are more likely to spend time in hospital and to be in hospital for longer; if they are frail, a stay in hospital can be life-changing; and, regrettably, in some hospitals and some wards older patients are exposed to unacceptable standards of care.

Case for tomorrow: facing the beyond

A joint discussion document on the future of services for older people. One of two linked documents produced by the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) which together constitute a successor to All Our Tomorrows: Inverting the Triangle of Care produced by the Association of Directors of Social Services in 2002. The first document looks at the policy and practice changes that have occurred since All Our Tomorrows, while this document outlines the key areas for future development of policy and practice with regard to older people across public care.

Crossing the threshold: the implications of the Dilnot Commission and Law Commission reports for eligibility and assessment in care and support

Scoping report that explores the implications of implementing key Dilnot and Law Commission proposals in respect of assessment and eligibility for publicly funded adult social care.

It explores the Dilnot Commission‟s recommendations, and those of the Law Commission, for a new model of assessment and a national eligibility threshold for publicly funded adult social care in England. It also discusses the implications for these processes of establishing limited liability for individuals by the proposed capped lifetime contribution of £35,000 for people paying for care.

Delivering dignity: securing dignity in care for older people in hospitals and care homes. A report for consultation

This draft report, based on expert evidence, recommends fundamental changes to the culture, leadership, management, staff development, clinical practice and service delivery of care homes and NHS hospitals to secure the dignified care that is the right of all older people, with the belief that getting it right for older people will mean getting it right for everyone. The three organisations which have established the Commission want to play a major role in supporting hospitals and care homes to improve dignity in care, led by the staff who are working there day to day.

Choice and independence over the lifecourse

Report that looks at how far government and other organisations are making information about social care more easily available. It examines the challenges that organisations providing home care services face in responding to service users’ choices and the help that local authorities can give these organisations to meet such challenges.

It also reviews the available research evidence on how service users, carers and professionals balance the benefits of choice against the potential risks involved.

Meals and messages: a focus on food services for older people living in the community in Scotland

Report that outlines the main findings from a study by ODS Consultants commissioned by Consumer Focus Scotland and Community Food and Health Scotland. The study included a survey of all Scottish local authorities, three community organisation commissioned case studies, and focus group activity and telephone interviews with older people using food services.