interagency cooperation

Serious violent and sexual offenders: the use of risk assessment tools in Scotland

This report is organised into six chapters and explores a range of issues including the approaches to risk assessment by different professional groups and the progress of validation in respect of the different risk assessment tools in use. Comment is made on risk assessment in action, who carries out risk assessments, how they are carried out and the mechanisms that are in place to ensure a consistent approach to risk assessment within organisations.

Safeguarding children involved in prostitution: supplementary guidance to working together to safeguard children

This guidance is for police, health, social services, education and all other agencies and professionals that may work with children about whom there are concerns that they are involved in prostitution. It sets out an inter-agency approach, based on local protocols developed within the framework of Working Together to Safeguard Children (Department of Health et al, 1999; National Assembly for Wales, 2000), to address this type of abuse.

Reducing the risk : improving the response to sex offending

The aim of this Report was to develop a cohesive framework for dealing with sex offending. Some of the 73 recommendations build on the policies and processes already in place in order to strengthen existing measures aimed at protecting communities from sex offenders. Other recommendations support the introduction of new measures and new arrangements which will help to deliver a safer environment.

The risk factor : making the child protection system work for children

Pamphlet arguing that the child protection system in England needs fundamental reform. It uses systems theory to help clarify how cultural factors such as behavioural and professional norms, value systems and emotional and psychological states which are at the core of child protection must be addressed if reform is to be successfully achieved.

Multi-agency inspection : assessing and managing offenders who present a high risk of serious harm 2009

Report of a joint inspection which scrutinised arrangements for managing offenders whose past offending meant they might pose a serious threat of harm in the future. The report identifies what is working well, what needs to improve and makes recommendations for improvements to the Scottish Government.

Creating positive outcomes through social work services

Pamphlet containing a collection of essays which acknowledge and celebrate the important part social work services play in supporting individuals and communities. The contributions approach the subject from various perspectives including the impact of the 1968 Social Work (Scotland) Act, the wider responsibilities which underlie standards and service delivery and the social context in which services are delivered.