social exclusion

Confronting the skills paradox

Paper examining the so-called 'skills paradox' in the UK whereby funding and investment in skills formation operates on a 'trickle down' principle, in which those already enjoying privileged status within the education and training system benefit most from the highest levels of investment from both the state and employers. It suggests ways to address this paradox and create an education and training system which works for everyone and maximises the benefits to individuals, organisations and the economy.

The advice needs of young people - the evidence : key research evidence on young people's needs for advice on social welfare issues

Report looking at young people's advice needs in connection with social welfare rights questions such as housing and homelessness. It presents the available evidence and attempts to explain the implications of the evidence. It is intended as a comprehensive source of information for anyone interested in or concerned with this subject.

Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities works with people and their families to ensure they can use effective services, play a fuller part in communities and society, and enjoy equal rights. It develops projects and services that can be copied across the UK. The Foundation aims to ensure that people with learning disabilities are supported in living as active citizens in the community, with real choices.