
Parental mental health : messages from research, policy and practice

This review focuses on one particular aspect of parenting and family life. It is about children living in families where a parent has mental health problems. The aim of this review is to identify – from a range of publications – sources and messages that might help practitioners and managers improve their understanding of the circumstances of children and families living with parental mental health problems, and find responses that have the potential for achieving positive change.

Drug education in schools

Report evaluating the quality of drug education programmes witnessed in schools during a survey. It sketches young people's use of drugs including alcohol and tobacco and identifies aspects of provision, e.g. teaching, which have improved since the last Ofsted report in 1997.

Restorative justice services for children and young people and those harmed by their behaviour

Document providing guidance for agencies such as schools, police, anti-social behaviour teams, residential child care and social work on the principles, protocols and criteria for the use of restorative justice services in Scotland for children and young people and those harmed by their behaviour.

Child poverty in large families

The abolition of child poverty is key to the UK government’s social policy strategy. In 1999 the Prime Minister’s Toynbee Hall speech promised ‘to eradicate child poverty within a generation’. Subsequently the Treasury set out further objectives: to eradicate child poverty by 2020, to halve it by 2010 and ‘to make substantial progress towards eliminating child poverty by reducing the number of children in poverty by at least a quarter by 2004’ (HM Treasury, 2000). The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) published this report as the result of a project on child poverty in large families.

Growing up in Scotland - sweep 2 - topic research findings: experiences of pre-school education

This report summarises findings from sweep 2 of the Growing Up in Scotland study (GUS), a longitudinal research project aimed at tracking the lives of a cohort of Scottish children.

It is focussed on children’s experiences of pre-school education. This document is one of a series that summarise key findings from the second sweep of the survey which was launched in April 2006. At the second sweep, interviews were successfully completed with 4,512 respondents from the birth cohort and 2,500 from the child cohort.

Child witness support

Consultation document that contains individual sections on a system of integrated support for child witnesses, guidance on investigative interviewing, the provision of pre-court therapy, the conduct of court familiarisation visits, the questioning of children in court, and a format for communicating information about child witnesses throughout the legal process.