
Improving social work in Scotland

Report that describes how well social work services are performing and what people who use services think about them. The messages are clear; the majority of people of all ages who use services and their carers have valued them and think they have made positive differences to their lives. Staff who provide services are committed and look for ways to improve the services they offer to people.

Getting it right for every child in foster care and kinship care - a National Strategy

Scottish Government report on what needs to be in place to provide a truly child-centred response and approach to the provision of foster and kinship care.

It then considers what improvements are needed in the support provided to carers that will in turn enhance the quality of care provided to children.

Finally, it addresses the improvements that can be made to the quality assurance systems that govern these types of care.

A guide to implementing 'Getting it Right for Every Child': messages from pathfinders and learning partners

Implementation guide that shows what needs to be done by people at every level across all agencies and sectors to bring about the changes that are necessary to implement 'Getting it Right for Every Child'.

It identifies essential culture, systems and practice changes and sets out what different people in organisations need to do to progress this agenda successfully. I

Improving the lives of children in Scotland - are we there yet? Findings from national seminars: January-February 2009

The Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights (SACR) was asked by the government to organise four seminars designed to allow professional and interested parties in Scotland to gather together to discuss the United Nations Committee for the Rights of the Child recommendations.

Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People and the Children’s Rights Officers’ Network worked with SACR in organising the events.