
The Bradley report : Lord Bradley's review of people with mental health problems or learning disabilities in the criminal justice system

Report of the Bradley Inquiry into the extent to which offenders with mental health problems or learning disabilities in England could be diverted from prison to other services and the obstacles to such diversion. The report makes recommendations on the organisation of effective court liaison and diversion arrangements and the services required to support them.

Healthy weight, healthy lives : commissioning weight management services for children and young people

Guide intended to help local areas in England commission weight management services for children and young people. It includes information on the policy context and contains a series of tools to support commissioners in the area of weight management for children and young people.

Ethnicity and child poverty (Research report no.576)

Report presenting and discussing the findings of a study which made use of a variety of approaches and sources to construct as detailed a picture as possible of how and why poverty varies across ethnic groups. In particular, it focuses on the extent to which it is possible to explain the poverty of ethnic minority children in terms of known risk factors such as lone parent families.

Happy, safe and achieving their potential :a standard of support for children and young people in Scottish schools.

Scottish Government report from the National Review of Guidance, providing 10 standards to develop personal support in Scottish schools. The standard for personal support provides a framework for building positive relationships and enabling pupils and parents to access support, and describes what must be in place in schools to ensure that all children progress in their learning and personal and social development.

SCIE research briefing 4: Transition of young people with physical disabilities or chronic illnesses from children's to adult's services

A SCIE research briefing is a summary of information about Transition of young people with physical disabilities or chronic illnesses from children's to adult's services, in order to update practice at the health and social care interface. This briefing focuses on physical disabilities and not learning disabilities.

Growing up in Scotland: children's social, emotional and behavioural characteristics at entry to primary school

Document which forms part of a series that summarises key findings from the fourth sweep of the survey, which was collected in 2008/09 when children in the birth cohort were aged 3-4 years and those in the child cohort were aged 5-6 years. It presents key findings from the Growing Up in Scotland study (GUS) report Children’s social, emotional and behavioural characteristics at entry to primary school.

Children's Trusts : statutory guidance on co-operation arrangements including the Children's Trust Board and the Children and Young People's Plan : consultation draft

Document setting out draft new UK Government statutory guidance on Children's Trusts in England and draft new Children and Young People's Plan regulations and inviting views on these.