
First measures: a guide to alcohol misuse prevention work with children

This publication is for those working with primary school age children who need to know the best ways to educate and inform them on issues around alcohol misuse. It offers guidance by: summarising what is effective practice in alcohol misuse prevention; summarising key ‘things to think about’ when developing a project; and providing case study examples and comments from children themselves.

Preventing later substance use disorders in at-risk children and adolescents : a review of the theory and evidence base of indicated prevention (EMCDDA thematic papers)

Report reviewing the principles and evidence base of indicated prevention and identifying models of best practice for substance misuse prevention activities aimed at at-risk children in the EU.

Building character

Report of a research project which studied the development of character capabilities contributing to life chances and the factors influencing their development. It concludes that the early years are the critical years in this regard and that parents are, consequently, the principal character builders in society.