
Protecting Children and Young People: The Charter Explanatory Booklet

A booklet providing an insight into what lies behind the 13 statements from children and young people in the Protecting Children and Young People Charter. The Charter reflects the voice of children and young people and what they feel they need, and should be able to expect, when they have problems or are in difficulty and need to be protected.

Follow up work to support implementation of the NICE/SCIE guidance on parenting programmes (CSDI) (Children and families' services report 21A)

Report presenting the findings of a follow-up study to support the implementation of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence/Social Care Institute for Excellence guidance on parenting programmes. It also provides some background to the study and reviews what is already known about the factors which increase the likelihood of uptake and completion of parenting programmes.

Child Poverty Review, July 2004

This document presents the findings of the "review, to examine the welfare reform and public services changes necessary to advance towards the Government's long-term goal of halving and eradicating child poverty." "The review includes both medium-term plans emerging from the 2004 Spending Review, and an assessment of the longer-term direction which policy needs to take in order to meet the Government's new child poverty target set out in the Spending Review."

What Works for Children

'What Works for Children?' has produced summaries of research evidence on some specific interventions, called Evidence Nuggets. The nuggets present the available evidence on specific interventions covering: cognitive behaviour therapy; mentoring; parenting; home visiting; breakfast clubs; traffic calming.