research report

Review of section 5 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 extended the duties of local authorities toward homeless people in Scotland, while also recognising that Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) had an increasing role to play in providing housing for statutorily homeless households. A growing body of evidence suggests the use of Section 5 differs across Scotland and that its use may be less than had originally been anticipated. There also seems to be confusion regarding the purpose and scope of the requirements.

North Ayrshire Child Protection Committee Annual Report: April 2005 - March 2006 and Business Plan: April 2006 - March 2007

This Annual Report and Business Plan dovetails with the overarching outcomes as detailed in North Ayrshire’s Integrated Children’s Services Plan (2005-2008) and reviews the performance of the Committee in accordance with the Scottish Executive's performance indicators.

Annual performance assessment 2008: report on outcomes

This report summarises the outcomes from the 2008 annual performance assessment (APA) of local authorities' services for children and young people. A summary, key findings and recommendations are followed by evaluation of the outcome areas: being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution, achieving economic well-being, and capacity to improve, including the management of children's services section. Each section includes a summary, key strengths and features of higher performing councils, and areas for improvement and barriers to success.

Delivering Succession Strategies

This research reviews the experiences of case study partnerships in developing appropriate arrangements for succession. This report sits alongside other strands of NDC National Evaluation research,including practice studies on ‘Working with Local Strategic Partnerships and Local Area Agreements’, ‘Community Elections’, and case study research on community engagement in NDCs.

Having your say? : the same as you?

'The same as you?' review of services for people with learning disabilities was published in 2000. It set out a 10-year programme of change that would support children and adults with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders (including Asperger’s syndrome) to lead a full life, giving them choice about where they live and what they do.

Social change in Scottish fishing communities: a brief literature review and annotated bibliography

The Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR) at the University of Edinburgh was commissioned by the Scottish Government Rural and Environment Analytical Services to identify and review literature related to social change in fishing communities in Scotland over the past fifteen years, with particular reference to the role of ‘fishing families’ and of inward and outward migration.

How much are people in Scotland really drinking? : a review of data from Scotland's routine national surveys

Report assessing the validity of Scottish survey data on alcohol consumption and attempting to explain the apparent discrepancy between survey and non-survey indicators of drinking. It also attempts to make definitive statements about drinking trends over the past decade and makes recommendations for improving Scottish survey data on alcohol.

Edinburgh’s Children : The Report of the Edinburgh Inquiry into Abuse and Protection of Children in Care

Following the conviction of two former care workers on 4th of December, 1997, the City of Edinburgh Council’s Policy and Resources Committee agreed to hold an Inquiry into matters arising from these trials. This is the report of the findings of the Inquiry. It includes investigation and review of historical procedures and allegations; review of current procedures, practice and guidelines in operation in the City of Edinburgh; and recommendations to assure that every measure is in place to minimise child abuse.