research report

Relationship separation and child support study

The report uses data collected on the separated adults to examine the circumstances of people who have a child maintenance interest, including parents with care (PWCs), non resident parents (NRPs) and those who do and do not use the Child Support Agency. This work was commissioned by DWP to inform the Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill and the future planning and organisation of C-MEC.

Physical health in mental health: final report of a scoping group

This is the final report of a scoping group that aimed to explore a range of issues concerning the general health of people with mental health problems with a view to making recommendations to the Council of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

The report begins by introducing the scoping group, its key recommendations and an overview of physical health in mental health care.

Follow up work to support implementation of the NICE/SCIE guidance on parenting programmes (CSDI) (Children and families' services report 21A)

Report presenting the findings of a follow-up study to support the implementation of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence/Social Care Institute for Excellence guidance on parenting programmes. It also provides some background to the study and reviews what is already known about the factors which increase the likelihood of uptake and completion of parenting programmes.

Developing the evidence base for social work and social care practice

This report is intended to influence policy about the future and funding of social care research. It argues that modernisation requires a research infrastructure capable of shifting the basis of social care towards evidence-based policy and practice; the infrastructure should comprise a research workforce, funding and national, strategic priorities; and currently no such infrastructure exists to support social work and social care.

A study of children and young people who present challenging behaviour

This publication covers the review of published material which formed a part of the larger research undertaken by the University of Birmingham. The purpose of this research was to: review published material to determine the range of characteristics and definitions of challenging behaviour used by academic researchers and practitioners; survey a range of educational practitioners about their understanding of behaviour that presents challenges to settings, schools and colleges.