research report

SCIE research briefing 17: Therapies and approaches for helping children and adolescents who deliberately self-harm (DSH)

This briefing focuses on other therapies or measures to help children and young people who deliberately self-harm (DSH). The aim of the therapy is either to reduce the amount they self harm or to stop them self-harming completely. The population covered by this briefing are children and adolescents up to the age of 19 who live in the community. The characteristics of self-harm, and the psychological and psychosocial factors associated with self-harm among children and adolescents are covered in a previous briefing in this series.

Alcohol and drugs delivery reform group: final report

This is the report of the Alcohol and Drugs Delivery Reform Group. In January 2008 the Delivery Reform Group to improve alcohol and drug delivery arrangements and ensure better outcomes for service users was established by the Scottish Government. Members were invited from the Scottish Advisory Committee on Drug Misuse (SACDM) and the Scottish Ministerial Advisory Committee on Alcohol Problems (SMACAP).

Improving services for substance misuse: commissioning drug treatment and harm reduction services

Drug treatment is provided by a network of services. In 2005, the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (NTA), in partnership with the Healthcare Commission, embarked on a joint three-year programme of annual service reviews as part of an initiative to enhance the quality, consistency and effectiveness of drug treatment.

Serious violent and sexual offenders: the use of risk assessment tools in Scotland

This report is organised into six chapters and explores a range of issues including the approaches to risk assessment by different professional groups and the progress of validation in respect of the different risk assessment tools in use. Comment is made on risk assessment in action, who carries out risk assessments, how they are carried out and the mechanisms that are in place to ensure a consistent approach to risk assessment within organisations.

Mental health and employment

This report presents findings of a qualitative research project commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to investigate the relationship between mental health and employment. The research was conducted during 2007 by the Social Policy Research Unit at the University of York and the Institute for Employment Studies.

The effect of alcohol advertising, marketing and portrayal on drinking behaviour in young people : systematic review of prospective cohort studies

Study evaluating the relationship between exposure to alcohol advertising, marketing and portrayal and subsequent drinking behaviour in young people through systematic review of cohort (longitudinal) studies.

Local authority? : how to develop leadership for better public services

Report focusing on the difficulties public sector organisations often have engaging with the communities they serve to find solutions to problems or winning legitimacy for leaders and public institutions. It questions why leadership in a partnership context is really necessary and arranges the issues into an agenda for practical action and policy change.

Recovery : linking addiction treatment and communities of recovery

This report is a 'primer for addiction counselors and recovery coaches' and discusses change in the professional addiction treatment community. Addressed to the thousands of counselors and therapists on the daily firing line, it offers them a renaissance of ideas that will provide the suffering addicts with which they work an increased opportunity for lasting recovery.