research report

Addressing the needs of children of substance using parents: an evaluation of Families First's intensive intervention - final report

Report of a study carried out to identify the processes involved in service delivery, including intervention approach, the implementation and integrity of Families First, a multi-component support service for adults and families with substance use issues, interagency working together with the outcomes of intervention for participating families.

Food, training and learning disability: a report on a food and health training project for support workers

This report focuses on the work of a small selection of people in Scotland to promote healthy eating among people with learning disabilities. The report will be of interest to those in the learning disability sector with a responsibility for, or interest in, food, health or training. It will also be of use to those who are involved in the delivery or promotion of the REHIS (Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland) Elementary Food and Health course, which this work was based on.

Service needs and delivery following the onset of caring amongst children and young adults: evidenced based review

This report looks at the service needs of people in rural areas following major life events spending time talking to rural service users to find out about their experiences. This work takes a practical and positive approach, looking for solutions to providing fair access to services for rural communities. This study provides an overview, synthesis and analysis of research and other evidence on ‘young carers’ and ‘young adult carers’ in the UK.

Review of the Scottish Drugs Forum

The overall aim of this review was to establish the effectiveness of SDF in delivering its aims and objectives, in particular the extent to which it provides value for money in respect of funding received from the Scottish Government; and to evaluate the current and future capacity of the organisation to deliver value for money in light of the new strategic approach to tackling drug use in Scotland.

Growing up in Scotland (GUS): sweep 2 - topic research findings: parenting styles and parental support

The Growing Up in Scotland study (GUS) is a longitudinal research project aimed at tracking the lives of a cohort of Scottish children. This document is one of a series that summarises key findings from the second sweep of the survey which was launched in April 2006. At the second sweep, interviews were successfully completed with 4,512 respondents from the birth cohort and 2,500 from the child cohort.