research report

Child Poverty Review, July 2004

This document presents the findings of the "review, to examine the welfare reform and public services changes necessary to advance towards the Government's long-term goal of halving and eradicating child poverty." "The review includes both medium-term plans emerging from the 2004 Spending Review, and an assessment of the longer-term direction which policy needs to take in order to meet the Government's new child poverty target set out in the Spending Review."

Leading from the front

Report looking at options for reforming public services in the UK to make them more effective and responsive. It argues that reform should be based on principles such as a lessening of bureaucracy and over-management, better training for staff and better accountability.

Making ContactPoint work

The Children's Rights Director is often asked by the Government to find out children's views about ideas or changes that are being proposed in children's social care. This report is about the rules that the Government is proposing for running the new ContactPoint database of all children in England.

Managing risks and minimising mistakes in services to children and families

This report focuses specifically on reducing risk in services to children and families by identifying and learning from near misses in children's services. It aims to start a debate about the management of risk at an organisational level and to support the introduction of the Children Act 2004 in England and Wales and the development of Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs).