research report

Going the extra mile: an evaluation of a residential unit for younger children provided by Aberlour Sycamore Service (full report)

Study detailing the philosophy and practice of a residential unit, underlining the importance of relationships, teamwork and a clearly articulated philosophy of care and highlighting the way the unit integrates with foster, education and therapeutic services.

Loud and Clear

This resource is the report of an event organised by the Advocacy Safeguards Agency in collaboration with the Scottish Council on Deafness, the British Deaf Association, the National Deaf Children’s Society, Deaf Children’s Society for East of Scotland and AdvoCard. It looks at the advocacy needs of the deaf community.

Overview of mental health services

Report that provides an overview of mental health services across Scotland and is the first in a series of planned reports in this area. Audit Scotland has carried out an overview to highlight areas for improvement and to identify priorities for future audit work. The report looks at mental health services provided by the NHS, councils, prisons, the police and the voluntary sector across Scotland for people of all ages.

The child and family policy divide: tensions, convergence and rights

This report is an analytical study of the principle areas of social policy affected by the split between the needs of children on the one hand and parents on the other. It is a split that pervades family law, government planning structures for children and parents, and almost every service associated with family life, including health, education, criminal justice, financial support and child protection.

Preventing later substance use disorders in at-risk children and adolescents

This review on indicated prevention adds to the current knowledge and understanding of risk factors in the development of later drug problems and dependence, focusing on the mental health and behavioural problems that develop during childhood. Indicated prevention is a relatively new branch of drug prevention and can be seen as the third part of the ‘prevention chain’, after universal and selective prevention.

A Strong Start : good practices in using a local situation assessment to begin a youth substance abuse prevention project

This publication aims to help to develop a youth substance abuse prevention project with a strong foundation - one that strives to involve young people and other important groups in determining the local substance abuse situation and in planning to address the situation. It is not a step-by-step recipe for planning a substance abuse prevention project on the basis of a local situation assessment but rather, a presentation of principles that, when applied, will increase the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Black role models: which messages work?: testing the impact of role models' messages for black boys and black young men: research to inform the REACH role model programme

This is the report of research that set out to explore black boys and black young men's perceptions of black role models and their messages. It aimed to answer three main questions: does hearing about role models have any impact on black boys and young men?; which qualities and messages most effectively reach and inspire them to raise their aspirations as well as challenge negative stereotypes; are there any unexpected or negative consequences of these messages?.