research report

Poverty in the media: Being seen and getting heard

Public understanding of poverty in the UK is limited. The media can give people with experience of poverty the opportunity to present their views, experiences and opinions, which can help to inform and create a groundswell of public opinion supporting efforts to tackle poverty. This study examines how people with direct experience of poverty in the UK can have a more effective voice in the media. Presentation of their views and experiences through media channels and help to shape and develop public opinion and build support for action to combat poverty.

Change within : the role of black and minority ethnic community organisations

Paper examining the wide range of organisations which mediate between individuals and the large-scale institutions which strive to engage with the specific needs of different communities. It makes clear how these groups can be part of the answer to questions the UK faces, such as how to make an increasingly diverse society function effectively.

National Forum on Drug Related Deaths in Scotland: Annual Report 2008-09

This is the second report from the National Forum on Drug-related Deaths. The drug death statistics published each year in the General Register of Scotland (GROS) report are fundamental to the work of the National Forum. This year the GROS report was more detailed than ever before. The report confirmed a disappointing but not unexpected trend.

Making a break : developing methods for measuring the impact of respite services

Report of a study which assessed the role of respite care for various groups including children with complex needs, adults with learning disabilities, multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia sufferers and frail elderly people. It also identified the most appropriate outcome measures for use with these groups in the evaluation of respite care.

Contracting for personalised outcomes: learning from emerging practice

This report draws on the learning from six councils and shows how they have begun to change their approach to contracting, service development and provider relationships to be more compatible with the aims of personalisation and personal budgets. It provides a summary of the main components of the contractual models identified (personal budgets, service personalisation and outcomes focused framework contracts), a framework for understanding the relationship between them and a brief account of the key messages from the case studies.

What's it worth? : the social and economic costs of mental health problems in Scotland

Report assessing the magnitude of the social and economic costs of mental health problems in Scotland and arguing that greater mental health promotion and prevention work could bring considerable benefits in the form of improved outcomes, increased recovery rates and decreased prevalence of mental health problems.

Estimating the costs of child poverty (Summary report)

The moral case for eradicating child poverty rests on the immense human cost of allowing children to grow up suffering physical and psychological deprivations and unable to participate fully in society. But child poverty is also costly to everyone in Britain, not just those who experience it directly. What are the costs to the whole of society of allowing child poverty to continue?