research report

Is poverty in the UK a denial of people's human rights?

Being poor in the United Kingdom can mean being subjected to discrimination on the grounds of poverty. Both poverty and discrimination are contrary to the spirit and the terms of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Damian Killeen argues that the refusal of successive governments to incorporate the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights into UK law has compounded common social attitudes that denigrate people who experience poverty and that undermine popular support for policies to eradicate poverty.

Improving the patient experience: sharing success in mental health and learning disabilities - the King's Fund's Enhancing the Healing Environment programme

This publication celebrates the successes of 47 schemes completed by the 46 NHS Trusts in England who took part in the King's Fund's Enhancing the Healing Environment, a nurse-led environmental improvement programme to improve the environment in which they delivered care. Through the programme, the Department of Health and The King's Fund hoped to raise awareness and understanding among NHS staff about how to bring about practical, value-for-money environmental improvements.

Better Together: Scotland's Patient Experience Programme: Patient Priorities for Inpatient Care Report No. 5/2009

This research was commissioned by the Scottish Government as part of Better Together Scotland’s Patient Experience Programme. The objectives of this work were to establish a hierarchy of issues important to Scottish patients receiving hospital inpatient care and to test for differences in priorities among demographic groups. The results could then be used to inform the development of tools to measure inpatient experiences across Scotland.

Building public support for eradicating poverty in the UK

Public support is needed to ensure that the government and other organisations take action to tackle poverty in the UK. The perception of poverty is often misguided, with people believing that it is a result of laziness, or an inevitable part of modern life.

The aim of this research is to identify ways of changing such perceptions and building public support for addressing the problem.

Care and support needs of men who survived childhood sexual abuse

Report of a Scottish qualitative research project with adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. The aim is to improve male survivors' wellbeing, through establishing their perspectives on their major care, support and intervention need throughout the lifecourse; and by making and disseminating a report with recommendations, to improve services and preventive action across all sectors.