
The vanguard of integration or a lost tribe?: care trusts ten years on (Policy paper 10)

The description of care trusts as either the ‘vanguard’ of integrated organisations or a ‘lost tribe’ was made by the former Chief Executive of a care trust at an HSMC learning event soon after their creation. It nicely captures the mixed views of care trusts as either the cutting edge of integration between health and social care or as a band of individuals and organisations that have happened upon a clumsy structural solution as a way of shielding themselves from other agendas.

Campbell Collaboration: User Abstract

Provides user abstracts that give practitioners and others easy access to research results. Most user abstracts are based on Campbell reviews, but some are based on other high-quality systematic reviews. The resource presents the findings of the reviews in a plain language, and focuses on information relevant to practitioners and decision makers, for example, people who need the research evidence in order to make the best decisions concerning other peoples welfare. Topics include domestic violence, children, crime, mental health and older people.