
Protecting children: the next steps to securing their safety - a policy position paper on the establishment of an index of adults unsuitable to work with children

The consultation paper Protecting Children: Securing Their Safety - A Pre-legislative Consultation Paper on Establishing an Index of Adults Unsuitable to Work with Children was published in July 2000. It set out the Scottish Executive’s intention to establish an Index of persons dismissed from employment (including as unpaid volunteers) with children in circumstances leading to the conclusion that they might pose a threat to children.

Working together for Scotland: making it work together - a programme for government

Policy document which sets out the government's objectives for social policy to improve the lives of Scottish people in collaboration with the public, private and voluntary sectors, local government and the UK Government.

The document sets out achievements and targets in the following: justice, education and lifelong learning, health and community care, environment, transport, drugs and finance.

Evaluation of the working for families fund (2004-2008)

This report summarises the findings of the Final Evaluation of the Working for Families Fund (WFF). WFF, which operated from 2004-08, invested in initiatives to remove childcare barriers and improve the employability of disadvantaged parents who have barriers to participating in the labour market, specifically to help them move towards, into, or continue in employment, education or training. The programme was administered by 20 local authorities (which covered 79% of Scotland’s population), operating through around 226 locally based public, private and third-sector projects.

Looking beyond risk. Parental substance misuse: scoping policy

Parental substance misuse can result in a considerable number of negative effects on the family. However, it is incredibly hard to calculate how many children and other family members might be affected. There is also growing evidence that some children appear to be more resilient than others to the negative impact of parental substance misuse. There is a need to investigate how these general statements relate to parental substance misuse across Scotland, a topic that has been given priority status by the Scottish Executive, and other key organisations.