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A study of children and young people who present challenging behaviour

This publication covers the review of published material which formed a part of the larger research undertaken by the University of Birmingham. The purpose of this research was to: review published material to determine the range of characteristics and definitions of challenging behaviour used by academic researchers and practitioners; survey a range of educational practitioners about their understanding of behaviour that presents challenges to settings, schools and colleges.

Think child, think parent, think family: a guide to parental mental health and child welfare

Guide about working with parents who have mental health problems and their children. It provides guidance on policy and practice and makes recommendations for key areas of professional education, workforce development and research. It also provides links to useful resources and contact details of relevant organisations.

Getting it right for children and young people who present a risk of serious harm: Meeting Need, Managing Risk and Achieving Outcomes

Scottish Government publication to help agencies and professionals working with young people who present a risk of serious harm to themselves and others, to strengthen their procedures and strive for excellence. It is a working document expected to grow and develop as new research is published, agencies use the self-assessment tool and provide feedback on its effectiveness, the Social Work Inspection Agency introduces its self-assessment toolkit, and 'Getting it right for every child' drives change in children’s services.

Parents as partners in early learning : case studies : building effective partnerships - the Letters and Sounds project, Kirklees

Document describing a project with the goals of developing practitioners' skills in engaging with parents and forging stronger links between children's learning in early years settings and in the home environment. Methods used to achieve these aims included workshop-picnics promoting the principles of the Letters and Sounds approach.

Child Poverty Review, July 2004

This document presents the findings of the "review, to examine the welfare reform and public services changes necessary to advance towards the Government's long-term goal of halving and eradicating child poverty." "The review includes both medium-term plans emerging from the 2004 Spending Review, and an assessment of the longer-term direction which policy needs to take in order to meet the Government's new child poverty target set out in the Spending Review."