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Evidence of Recovery : The 'Ups' and 'Downs' of Longitudinal Outcome Studies

This is the fourth in a series of discussion papers designed to help generate debate on how best to promote and support recovery from long-term mental health problems in Scotland. This discussion paper provides an overview of some of the findings of longitudinal mental health outcome studies that have been conducted in the course of the few last decades in different countries and with different patient groups.

Parenting and children's resilience in disadvantaged communities

This resource suggests that there has been relatively little research about the distinctive challenges of bringing up children in disadvantaged areas, nor of children’s perspectives on identifying and managing threats. In particular, it highlights that little is known about how parents and children promote their children’s well-being and safeguard them from day-to-day risks.

Report of the Disability Working Group

Report of the Disability Working Group and Executive Response. The report of the Disability Working Group sets out their recommendations for the Scottish Executive, local authorities, employers, educators, community care providers etc. Recommendations in the report provide both an agenda for immediate action and a platform to build onto improve equality for disabled people in Scotland.

Voluntary sector leads multi-agency team to combat substance misuse

Case study from Leeds, Yorkshire describing a project run by the voluntary sector which helps young people involved in substance misuse by assessing their particular needs and then putting them in contact with the appropriate agencies to meet those needs. Also offered are implementation tips for others to implement such a 'one-stop shop' approach.

Closing the gap in a generation : health equity through action on the social determinants of health

Summary of a report which argues for an end to significant differences in health and health care between and within countries through actions such as improving daily living conditions, tackling the inequitable distribution of power, money and resources, measuring the problem and assessing the impact of action.