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An investigation into GPs and social prescribing : a pilot study : final report

Social prescribing is a method of affecting the wider determinants of health such as economic factors by connecting people with health problems to non-medical sources of help and support in the community, normally by referral. This pilot study aimed to inform the development of a full proposal for exploring social prescribing practice in primary care.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 2008 concluding observations : report of a national consultation with young people to determine their priorities for action

Report setting out the findings of a consultation exercise in which the views of young people from all over Scotland were canvassed on the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child's concluding observations to find out how aware children and young people were about children's rights and which rights were most important to them.

Working with challenging and disruptive situations in residential child care: Sharing effective practice. Children's and Families' Services Knowledge Review 22

The children’s residential care sector across the UK has changed markedly over the past two decades and more. One impact of these changes has been a greatly reduced residential sector, with the proportion of looked-after children who are placed in residential care declining over this period.

Evaluation of the Young Children's Voices Network pilot project (2006-2008)

Report of an evaluation of the Young Children’s Voices Network (YCVN), a project, begun in 2006, which focuses on participation in the early years. The purpose of the evaluation was to analyse the nature of YCVNs and discover what has helped and hampered local authorities in developing both their network and a culture of listening.