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Home care services, Scotland 2010

The purpose of this statistics release is to present the latest national figures for home care services provided or purchased by local authorities in Scotland. All local authorities in Scotland provide Home Care services which give people the support, practical help and personal care that they need to live as independently as possible in the community.

Under-age sexual activity: meeting the needs of children and young people and identifying child protection concerns (Draft national guidance)

Draft guidance that is aimed at helping practitioners and local services and agencies consider what protocols and policies they need to have in place to effectively meet the needs of children and young people who are engaged in under-age sexual activity.

Commissioning children's centres: a rural perspective

This short guide focuses on families with young children in rural areas and the implications for children’s centre commissioning and delivery at a time of change and new directions. It is of relevance to all of those playing a part in the commissioning of children’s services – whether local authorities or primary care trusts; private or voluntary sector providers; and those leading and delivering services on the ground.

A young people's charter on housing

The shortage of affordable housing means that young people face major constraints in their housing choices. This puts increasing pressure on them to get their first move into the housing market right or risk losing out altogether. With many young people still aspiring to own a home, what are their experiences of moving through the housing system? What changes would they like to see?

Psychiatric services for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilites

This report is intended to inform the negotiations between service commissioners, clinicians and general managers of psychiatric services for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities and their families. It aims to give an overview of the ways in which a service might be provided and the elements for a standard specification that might be adapted for local need.

Shaping public spending priorities for adult social care

This report investigates some of the key issues currently confronting those involved in planning and providing adult social care at a time of budgetary pressure. With local authorities preparing to introduce a series of cost saving measures, adult social care budgets are under greater pressure than ever before. Ipsos MORI spoke to senior stakeholders to understand the challenges that they face and to find out how their organisations are planning for the future.