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Providing personalised support to rough sleepers: an evaluation of the City of London pilot

This report evaluates a pilot project offering personalised budgets to rough sleepers in the City of London. The report presents the outcomes of the pilot for individuals involved, in terms of accommodation, support needs and quality of life; explores how the personalised approach, the personalised
budget and other factors contributed to these outcomes; explores common stages in the journeys that people made from the streets and into accommodation; and considers the sustainability of outcomes and possibilities for replication and expansion.

Transition through detention and custody: arrangements for learning and skills for young people in custodial or secure settings

The report evaluates the range and effectiveness of the arrangements for education and training for several categories of young people: those identified for their likelihood of offending; young offenders who move into custodial establishments then are transferred between different establishments while in custody; and those who move between custody and the community. The report illustrates good practice and makes recommendations for improvement.

Sexual abuse and therapeutic services for children and young people in Northern Ireland

Report on research carried out by the NSPCC into the availability and accessibility of therapeutic services for children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse in Northern Ireland. Funded by the Private Equity Foundation, this research aimed to map the services provided for children who have been sexually abused currently provided by a range of voluntary, statutory and private sector organisations.

Influencing public behaviour to improve health and wellbeing: an independent report

Report on how government deals with the challenge of helping people to make different choices about their health. It focuses on building current approaches, using the latest evidence from areas such as behavioural economics and psychology, to suggest ways in which the government could become more effective in this area, to help people to make healthier choices where they wish to do so.

An evaluation of the gardening leave project for ex-military personnel with PTSD and other combat related mental health problems

Gardening Leave was set up in 2007 as a horticultural therapy pilot project to enhance the therapeutic experience of ex-military personnel with combat related mental health problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the Gardening Leave pilot project as a therapeutic intervention for ex-military personnel with combat related mental health problems from the point of view of the veterans who use the service and clinical staff who work with them at the Combat Stress treatment centre.