social care provision

Education and lifelong learning : reporting on progress towards equality of opportunity between disabled persons and other persons made by public authorities in Scotland : the Scottish ministers' duties

Report commissioned by Scottish ministers to enable reporting on progress being made towards equality of opportunity between disabled people and other people across the Education and Lifelong Learning ministerial portfolio.

Personalisation briefing for commissioners

This briefing provides an overview of what personalisation means for commissioners of social care services. It highlights the main tasks for commissioners delivering personalisation as ensuring the right balance of investment and shaping the market. It also looks at necessary changes to contracting and procurement models, with a shift towards outcomes-focused and person-centred approaches. Two practice examples are included.

SCIE research briefing 4: Transition of young people with physical disabilities or chronic illnesses from children's to adult's services

A SCIE research briefing is a summary of information about Transition of young people with physical disabilities or chronic illnesses from children's to adult's services, in order to update practice at the health and social care interface. This briefing focuses on physical disabilities and not learning disabilities.

SCIE Position paper 3: Has service user participation made a difference to social care services?

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) wants to bring together a lot of knowledge about social care, so that information on what works best is available to everyone. This Position paper is about how social care services can be made better by the people who use them - that is, the service users themselves. It brings together the main findings from six reviews that looked at whether service user participation made a difference to changing and improving social care services.