child protection services

Reducing the risk : improving the response to sex offending

The aim of this Report was to develop a cohesive framework for dealing with sex offending. Some of the 73 recommendations build on the policies and processes already in place in order to strengthen existing measures aimed at protecting communities from sex offenders. Other recommendations support the introduction of new measures and new arrangements which will help to deliver a safer environment.

The risk factor : making the child protection system work for children

Pamphlet arguing that the child protection system in England needs fundamental reform. It uses systems theory to help clarify how cultural factors such as behavioural and professional norms, value systems and emotional and psychological states which are at the core of child protection must be addressed if reform is to be successfully achieved.

The Victoria Climbie Inquiry

This is the full Report of the Public Inquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie by Lord Laming. The Report investigates the events surrounding Victoria's last few months and examines the local social services arrangements involved in the case. It reviews the lack of good practice and gross failure of the system in this case and makes recommendations with regard to improvements at national and local level.

Relationship separation and child support study

The report uses data collected on the separated adults to examine the circumstances of people who have a child maintenance interest, including parents with care (PWCs), non resident parents (NRPs) and those who do and do not use the Child Support Agency. This work was commissioned by DWP to inform the Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill and the future planning and organisation of C-MEC.

Protecting Children and Young People: The Charter Explanatory Booklet

A booklet providing an insight into what lies behind the 13 statements from children and young people in the Protecting Children and Young People Charter. The Charter reflects the voice of children and young people and what they feel they need, and should be able to expect, when they have problems or are in difficulty and need to be protected.