Implementing recovery : a new framework for organisational change
Paper summarising the key organisational challenges facing mental health services in incorporating recovery principles into routine practice in mental health services.
Paper summarising the key organisational challenges facing mental health services in incorporating recovery principles into routine practice in mental health services.
Collection of papers focusing on the theme of renewing and refocusing understanding of innovation. It explores the notion that everyday interactions between people and public services are a potential source of new ideas and that public services should be developed through participation and co-production.
Sets out the results of a follow-up review of the 2005/06 national review of NHS adult community mental health services. Fifteen indicators were selected in the follow up review. National findings are presented showing the changes in trusts performance - improvement or deterioration - against each of the 15 indicators. The results are then discussed under three themes: access to appropriate care and treatment; involving people who use services; and recovery and social inclusion.
Document stating the joint views and position of the NCIL and the ADSS on issues associated with independent living for disabled people such as direct payments and user-led support services.
Paper setting out the potential shape of mental health services in England in 2015. Among other ambitions, it sees services as more accessible, equal, more supportive of carers, producing better care planning, offering individual budgets and investing in service user groups.
Report presenting the findings of a review of the provision of and need for mental health care in five prisons in the West Midlands and making recommendations on how services could be improved.
This report seeks to uncover the difficulties and fears people experience in being paid for their contribution to services and those of the organisations who pay them. By revealing the issues and seeking to have them addressed, it will help in laying the foundations for proper and principled user involvement.
This evaluative research study was commissioned to explore the implementation of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 (MHCT Act). A team of independent researchers including 8 mental health service users undertook the study, which lasted 2 years from September 2006.
Pamphlet arguing that the complexities of modern society mean that the learner has to be placed at the centre of education. It proposes personalised learning as a way of achieving this and explains how education and other public services can be transformed so that they offer genuinely personalised services.
Report advocating self-directed services as a means of transforming public services for the better. It contends that self-directed services can deliver personalised, lasting solutions to people's problems at lower cost and that they give people a real say in shaping the services they want.